Corporate Secretarial Services
Corporate Secretarial Services (Include AGM and Annual Return Filing)
As per Section 171 of the Singapore Companies Act, every newly incorporated company must appoint a qualified company secretary within 6 months and cannot be vacant for more than 6 months.
The requirement for a company secretary is that the individual must be a local resident. Even though a Company Secretary can be any individual, it is the director’s duties to ensure that the individual has the capability and knowledge to fulfil his/ her duties as company secretary.
However, the company may find it increasingly difficult to keep up with the rapidly changing regulations and tax laws with so much on their hands. Outsourcing your secretarial services may just be your solution.
With our team of trained professionals, you can be rest assured that we will ensure all secretarial services be performed with regards to what is needed by your company.
These are some of the primary roles and duties of a corporate secretary which we provide for, but are not limited to:
Ensuring Corporate Compliance
Preparation of Company resolutions and minutes for Annual General Meetings (AGMs)
Maintaining the company registers and records
File Statutory Returns such as Annual Returns with Company’s declarations
Share Registration
Changes in Company’s particulars