Corporate Secretarial Services (include AGM and Annual Return Filing)
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
As part of the ongoing compliance regulatory obligations, all private limited and public listed companies incorporated in Singapore are required to hold their AGMs in accordance with Section 175, Section 197 and Section 201 of the Companies’ Act.
Understanding the statutory requirements that your company has to meet will be important in helping you prepare, anticipate and ensure that your company is able to meet the statutory deadlines in time. With the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (“ACRA”) ramping up its scrutiny and enforcement of errant companies and their directors, it would be prudent for companies to ensure that they do not default on these requirements.
Section 175
A company’s AGM should be held within 18 months from the date of incorporation
An AGM should be held not more than 15 months after the holding of the last AGM
Section 197
Every company shall provide the following details:
Name of company
Registration number of company
Address of registered office of company
Address of where the register of members is kept (if not the same as the registered office of the company)
Register of charges
Summary of share capital and shares of the company
Particulars of directors, secretaries and auditors
A list of shareholders and their respective shareholdings
Date of last AGM
Date to which accounts are made up to
Date of AGM
Name of auditor who signed off on the accounts (unless the company is exempt)
Confirmation of the companies’ principal activities
Statement as to whether the company has more than 50 employees
The company’s Annual Return should be lodged within one month from the date of AGM.
Section 201
The directors shall present the company’s profit and loss accounts no later than 18 months after the date of incorporation; or
Once every calendar year not exceeding 15 months from the date of the last AGM
Company’s AGM should not be held more than 6 months from the date of its financial year end
Hence, when your company should hold its AGM is dependent on the following factors:-
When your company was incorporated;
When your company held its last AGM; and
The financial year end of your company.
Depending on these factors, your company and employees can be pre-empted when they should start preparing documents and ensure the company’s accounts are finalised.
For example, knowing that the company’s AGM should not be held more than 6 months from the financial year end means that auditors should be triggered to start their audit within 2 to 3 months from the company’s financial year end.